Tankionline (english) Wiki

Polls are often taken on this Wikia. They only represent the opinions of the Tanki Online Wikia viewers and do not necessarily represent the general Tanki community.

Archived Polls

What Kind of Supply Do You Use the Most?

Double Damage took title for the most used supply. On the other hand, Repair Kit (likely due to its higher cost and value) was the least used. 255 players took part in this poll. It was created on November 8, 2014 and ended on May 13, 2015.

Supply Popularity 2


What Kind of Supply Do You Use the Most?

Most Tanki players have fortunately never seen hacks. Damage Increase and Invincibility were uncommon hacks that players saw. 368 players took part in this poll. It was created on January 30, 2015 and ended on April 18, 2016.

Tanki Hacks Poll